A first time project with the 50+ year old Peter Rowland Catering saw P & Q Strategies shake up their look with a tender for the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). Inspiration for the design came from the beautiful stained-glass ceiling in the NGV’s Great Hall designed by Leonard French. The dynamic patterning became the background for images of food, art, the space & staff. Working within strict tender guidelines four colour themed form cut dividers were used as a way to breakup and give energy to the document as well as 10 unique ‘food as art’ covers. Outstanding print & finishing by Press Print (document) and Pandoras Boxes gave a premium edge and stand out to the piece.

Collaborating with Q Strategies to bring to life Peter Rowland’s ‘couture catering’ for the famous Melbourne Cup Carnival. We commissioned the very talented Angie Rehe to create a series of illustrations that capture food, fashion, fun and racing. Her finished works feature in the 136 page ‘PRC Racing’ magazine. A sense of a reveal was enhanced by the layers inside the hard backed box built by the team at Pandoras Boxes.

Building on the look of previous tenders a new spin was added with reference to the architecture of the iconic building setting. Inside the box, covers replicated the external box design while each divider with its larger scale block and colour theme had images playing to the content of the section. The result is a dynamic tender backdrop showing all the different facets of Peter Rowland Catering.