Gemini Collection
Working with Q Strategies to launch a premium diamond jewellery brand ‘Gemini Collection’ – entry to the market place had to establish a niche, create a luxe and credible positioning, sit in line with other well regarded high end jewellery brands yet stand out from competitors. A totally new brand identity was conceived, with a host of applications developed to reflect the prestige quality of the jewellery collection that features rare coloured diamonds and creative designs. The logo references a deco feel, something which is apparent in many of the jewellery pieces. Stylised G & C letters reflected in each other create a frame around the logotype. This can be used independently to create patterns, a framing device and as an icon. A diamond format is used throughout various collateral applications (printed by Press Print) from business cards, stationery, showcase cards & sleeve and point of sale signage, while a dark platinum colour foil and the beautifully textured ‘Rives design’ paper stock further enhance the premium feel. The Gemini dual element is carried into light, hyper real photography with the product reflected back at itself. The website (built by Adrian Karnowski) is kept simple & elegant and helps you navigate through through the different collections – Classic, Mode, Colour, Cascade & Zenith.